Australia Holiday, American Airlines Flight, Qantas, Sydney, Central Quay.[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section].Nikon D1X.2002/11/22 18:56:02.0.RAW (12-bit) .Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960).Color.Lens: 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6.Focal Length: 280mm.Exposure Mode: Manual.Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern.1/1250 sec - f/5.6.Exposure Comp.: 0 EV.Sensitivity: ISO 125.White Balance: Direct sunlight.AF Mode: AF-S.Tone Comp: Normal.Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached.Color Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB).Hue Adjustment: 0°.Sharpening: Normal.Noise Reduction: .Image Comment: .[#End of Shooting Data Section].
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